metanoia's Diaryland Diary


not writing

Where oh where is my muse. Screwed me and left me with out a word. I haven't written a word for going on a year now and it feels like I've lost my heart.

My dear nephew and his family came to visit. It was a good time. His son and I played scout and we hiked through my little woods. These are the things sweet memories are made of.

I'll be a grandma in October! I'm so excited and happy for my son. He deserves all the beauty and happiness life holds.

So - that's probably why I haven't written much. Everything I set my hand to is sappy and inane. And I really have been so busy I have had no time for introspection. And of course that is de rigeur for good writing. That soul searching though provoking time with yourself. I crave it and can find no time, no time.


I may keep trying.

8:19 p.m. - 2008-04-05


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