metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Ruby Returns

This weekend was wonderful. Went shopping at Target on Saturday. Just me - a personal time that was needed more than I can say, and I wish it could have lasted much, much longer.

Had a typical Saturday evening - steaks on the grill and red wine. Made couscous with shiitake mushrooms which was delicious.

Sunday began sweetly and as we finshed the Sunday paper, K started working on the thresholds for our new flooring in the living room.

I had hoped he would not have to do any work on the floor at all. He is busy enough. But the guy who did the floor was not as good as the men he hired to help him do the job. They left and he began scratching his little pointy head about what to do about the thresholds...

His daughter wanted a horse and we had one, so the trade was: we buy the flooring and he puts it in for the horse - straight across trade. OK, well Ruby is a good horse, we had her trained about a year and a half ago, but she has not had daily work for probably close to a year. We told him this over and over, reiterated it even. No, no, he understood he wanted her. OK. So the floor goes in, he takes Ruby. Done deal. He comes back puts on pieces of wood in the thresholds and leaves. They look great. Only one problem, minor problem. I cant close the doors. Other than that, great. K is pissed but we just chalk it up, remove the thresholds and begin to fix them. At least, we say, Ruby is going to a good home.

So, Sunday morning K is beginning to work on one and I say, "It's too bad that dumbass couldn't do this." K says yeah, and gets all defensive. I told him I dont blame him I blame the dumbass and we go on like this for awhile.

The dogs start barking. K looks out and says, Well, it's dumbass returning the horse trailer.

Except dumbass had the horse in the trailer and was returning Ruby. Poor Ruby's head was sticking out the back (!) of the horse trailer whinnying. Dumbass says, "huh! she musta turned around in there!" he hadn't tied her up in the trailer.

She was scratched and bleeding on her face and limping. K was furious. We gave dumbass $100 and I was going to write a check for the balance but K said, No! that s.o.b. traumatized Ruby. I'll give him the rest of his money next week. And I'll subtract my hourly rate and the materials I had to buy to finish my job correctly.


So we went to a local festival, to get out of the house with no thresholds. It was nice, looking at the different art pieces and we had a lunch of onion soup, and a big cookie. Then went to feed store to get grain and treats for horses. Came home and went to the creek to watch the sunset on the trees. We are having a beautiful autumn here, golds and reds and yellows. We skipped some rocks and went home.

It was a nice end to a nice day.

11:20 a.m. - 2006-10-30


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