metanoia's Diaryland Diary


I won but still no cure for cancer

Claims to fame. I was thinking about trophies and how people have things they have accomplished in their lives that are held in dubious regard by others, but the people themselves cherish them. For example, K had a friend Jimmy Carter (name changed) and we were out having drinks one evening, and there was a foosball table at the bar and I am no good at all at foosball so I said, �Oh, foosball, I am no good at that game.� And, smiling, Jimmy Carter says, �I was the Georgetown High School Foosball Champion of 1974.� We had a good laugh about this. K wasn�t paying attention. Every time I saw him after that I would say, �Hey! How�s the Georgetown High School Foosball Champion of 1974?� and we would laugh. I would ask K how his friend, the Georgetown High School Foosball Champion of 1974 was and he would look confused and say �Who?� LOL

So then I began thinking, what my claim to fame was and I didn�t have any. The thing that popped in my mind was the time I went to a baby shower and won all the prizes. I hate showers and I hate the games they play, but this was my sister-in-law�s shower so I HAD to go. So, I�m sitting there and they start playing these ridiculous games, but they are games like word games (come on � I love words!), and logic games (I CAN be logical from time to time) and other just easy, easy games. And, baby, they had a whole shitload of games� Musta been 8 or 10 games. After I won the first 5 or so, I started to try to lose, but --- I won anyway!!! I must have been in the room with the 15 of the world�s dumbest women! So, I won all the games. At first everyone made jokes about it, then the jokes were kind of thinly veiled resentment. After I won all the games and prizes it was time for the door prize� yep, I won that too. I won every stinking thing at that shower except the baby� LOL Every woman there hated my guts and when K came to pick me up they all said, �Take her. She won everything.�

So, it was a proud moment�. LOL. I got wonderful little shitty trinkets that I either gave as Christmas gifts to coworkers, or made 25 cents off of them at yard sales. But, it was for the glory! I was in the zone! Too bad I wasn�t doing cancer research at the time� there would be a cure!

11:51 a.m. - 2006-02-23


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