metanoia's Diaryland Diary



The moon woke Ahreanna from her sleep at 4:45 am this morning, that was the time it crested the roof of her tower and began it�s descent before brave sun could force it from the sky. This was not unusual for her. The moon often woke her with a message from her love, and it was always welcome. She would rather have the message than the sleep.

�Sleep is for losers� she whispered, as her sleepy heart began to waken and smile, it then remembered and sank back into its black hole where it has been ensconced for 3 days.

Usually, when moon awakens her, Ahreanna is pleased and welcomes the message. It is nurturing and sweet each time, passionate and loving. This morning, however, she could not see any message. Her tears had dried her eyes shut. She painfully rubbed her eyes with her fists and awakened to find she had been crying in her sleep. Her pillow was damp and little salty rivers had dried on her cheeks.

She got up and paced in her tower on the ledge of the canyon, high up the rocky slope. It was a comfortable tower, but isolated. She had plenty of food and minions to keep her entertained; they ministered to her every physical need. Still, she languished. �Hell would be a welcome respite from this place� she thought, �now that my sun has gone.�

She knew she could not leave, he had placed her there to protect her � to protect them both. She knew railing against it was foolish and futile. She knew in her mind it was probably the best place for her�her heart disagreed. Her heart disagreed mightily. It had been indulged for too long, too long, she thought. Her heart said not nearly long enough, �forever� would not have been long enough for her heart.

She had more things to say to him. More questions to ask. More silences to share. But she had only answers now; really only one answer and that was all that mattered. The answer was �no more� and it made all the words, and questions, and silences nothing but air, less than air; it made them all a void � a dark void where her heart now chose to reside.

She peered out at Luna, and thought of him (as she ever did); saw a post-it on the moon and tried to read it through tears, but it was just a blur. She wrote in her journal:

Dated: 3 days since�

My tears
Are mine own
Until they are wept
They belong
To you

12:52 p.m. - 2006-02-15


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