metanoia's Diaryland Diary


How I spent my summer 'vacation'...

I have not written my thoughts in so long, it is hard to begin again. I will just try to do a little here now to perhaps prime the pump and get the flow going again. It is not that I have not had thoughts - I have had many. And they were (are?) good thoughts, fine thoughts and worth sharing. I just have not. I just have not wanted to write.

I have been absorbed by PC games lately. I want to do nothing but play games. And then, not. Not at all.

I went to EB Games and thumbed through the already played bin. I got Black and White; Morrowind and Icewind Dale. I have been playing them all.

Black and White? What a bunch of shit. Crappy game. I can not even begin to pick it apart. It was so hyped up when it came out a few years back, but - well - no wonder it just dropped out of sight... The AI was probably cutting edge and impressive, but the gameplay was - sluggish and just grueling. But, I said I would not pick it apart, so... blah. The end.

Icewind Dale is a cute little game. I am just tinkering with it right now. The big mama of them all, Morrowind, is taking all my attention. It is a huge game and a huge world. There are a few things I don't like about it, but they are small and insignificant compared to the gameplay. I love this game. I want to marry it.

So, I have been in Morrowind for the past almost a month. heh.

But beyond that, I just... have not felt like writing, like what I have so say is best left unsaid. But now I want to begin again. Begin writing again.

I am beginning to reread Sherlock Holmes. It is my bedtime read right now. It's cool.

I am having LASIX surgery on Monday. I will no longer wear glasses to see far away. I just read and signed the paperwork that says it's not their fault if it doesn't work and I just go blind. It's not their fault and it could happen and I am doing it anyway. So. I signed those papers. Sigh. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I will love not wearing glasses all the time, but after the surgery I will have to wear reading glasses. I do not have to wear them now... But, the percentage of time I will wear them will be far less than the time I wear glasses now. Does that make sense? Well, I'm not going to rewrite that sentence. I know what I mean...

K has been in a foul mood lately. Piss on him. He is just a pouty crappy shit right now. AND he wants to make love. Yeah. It really puts me right in the mood when you gripe and pout. What a turn on. Who needs foreplay when they can listen to whining and griping and sniping? yeah, baby!

K has also taken up the bagpipes. No shit. I have taken up drinking. Anyone who lives with someone learning the bagpipes will know what I am talking about. so, anyway, there's that.

What else, what else. The whole election has just got me in a funk. I will be glad when it is over, so whoever is in office can resume fucking me over without the constant yammering of the campaign.

The end.

2:49 p.m. - 2004-10-28


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