metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Bury your dead

I was a wake last night, kind of late. Dogs restless, barking and just grunting and making doggie noise. Finally I got up and yelled at them to be quiet, which woke me up. I looked at the clock at it was 11:38. I felt as though I had been sleeping for a long time, but it was only a few minutes.

My mind started racing and thinking of many things. Not necessarily bad things, but just thinking and going and thinking. I thought of all manner of things I would like to write about. Of course I don�t remember them, now.

Just an aside: as I have been whining that I have been in a daze for the last 6 months, notice that my last to-do list at work is dated 1-24-2004. Heh. WTF?

Ah, there is one thing about how we must bury our dead. So, that is one thing I want to write about.

I feel that until we bury our dead � say goodbye and fare thee well � that we can not move on with our own life. I believe this could be considered a sin; to mourn away our life because someone else lost theirs. Lose a life. That is an interesting phrase. If you lose your life, can you find it again? Could that be reincarnation? Or is it lost, never again to be found? But I digress, again.

Not only should we bury our dead in the physical sense, also we must bury them in an emotional sense. Let go. Life is about letting go and moving on. That is not to say we should not mourn our loss. Mourning is important, but only to a point. It can also consume us and become the focus of our attention. Mourning is a process, not an end unto itself. Mourn enough to begin to heal, then let go and move on. The rest of the healing comes through living.

I also feel that the dead can not rest until we bury them � truly bury them. What I mean is to physically bury them according to their wishes and also bury them emotionally. Mourn them, celebrate their life, and let go. Let THEM move on, as well. I feel like if we do not let go of the mourning process, their spirits can not move on, either. We are stuck in our life process, while they are stuck in their death process. It is up to us to let them go so we can move on and so can they. This philosophy feels totally right to me.

Mourning and remembering are different. This is not to say one should not remember the dead, only to stop mourning them. To bury them. This is what we all must do.

And it can be taken further, and used metaphorically to other aspects of our lives. The job we wanted from which we were fired. Be sad � let it go � move on. In other words, bury it. Whatever it is in your life that is holding you back from enjoying the moment you are living in � bury it. Let it go. Move on.

People talk about having closure. It is probably the same thing. Sometimes people say, �I can�t have closure until (fill in the blank) happens.� Bullshit. A person gives themselves the closure, and places the barrier or obstacle in the way of the closure. You can have closure as soon as you give it to yourself; as soon as you bury your dead. As soon as you say, �I allow myself the closure. I release you to move along, just as I release myself to move along. Goodbye and fare well.�

8:35 a.m. - 2004-07-09


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