metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Cleaners Wake up Call

The cleaners called. They left a nice message on my answering machine. Do I want the clothes I dropped off about 7 months ago?


I wonder what clothes are there?

They called about a month ago. I forgot again until I kind of cleaned out my closet yesterday. Then I thought, "Damn! Fucking clothes at the cleaners. Shit." So, now I have been trying to remember it all morning and as soon as it is lunchtime I will go pick up these clothes, which I almost doubt are mine.

I will walk in and say, "Hey, these aren't my clothes! Hah. It was YOU who made the mistake, Cleaner-Girl!" But more than likely the clothes are mine and I just fucking forgot all about them - whatever they are.

So, that is happening.

K put an ad in paper for the new dog that just showed up. It looked so healthy I can't imagine it was thrown out like most of the others were. Since it is so close to July 4, I kind of think it was spooked by the fireworks and noise and just ran and ran. I hope the owner checks the paper.

So, that is happening.

I almost washed all my clothes this weekend. Meaning every piece of clothing I own clean. Quite an accomplishment. I'm so proud. heh

So, I'm half embarrassed by the cleaners having to call me about whatever I have in there.... I feel like I may have lost it completely to not even remember I had anything there... I guess it's not a big deal. I just feel goofy about it.

Do I have that much going on in my life that I can't remember that type of crap?

I dunno. Maybe it is because I have so little happening that I can't remember that sort of crap.

I have this theory - of course I do! - that I drive better the faster I go. If I get behind someone going slow, I lose my concentration and become bored, but when I am barrelling down the road at near the speed of light, my reflexes are sharp and I am alert - ready for anything.

So, it must be the same with other aspects. Like if I have a million things to juggle and get done, well, I am sooooo effective. It is only when I have one or two things to do that I just get lethargic and lose my focus.

Yeah. That's it.

So, I guess I better find more things to do so I will once more be the effective can-do superwoman that I once was.

Just an aside, I wonder if I ever was that organized superwoman, or if I have just blurred my memory enough to believe it even if it never was true...

Nope. I was. Heh.

12:11 p.m. - 2004-07-12


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