metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Respects Authority

An amusing aside: Life is full of glorious irony, if one just slows down and bit and looks around.

Yesterday I wrote how I have a problem with authority, and today I got my performance review and I got a 3 out of 3 under the category "Respects Authority". Heeeeee! Little do they know the anarchist lying beneath the surface of my finely honed workplace camouflage!! cool.

So, I thought that was pretty ironic. I was roaring (inside of course), but I think I may have let a small smile creep across my face for a nanosecond or two.

I got my new leather coat in the mail yesterday. I do look pretty fantastic in it and very close to the vision. I have ideas of what will work and what won't, but until I realize them I never really KNOW. Sometimes it is ugly in that area where fantasy and reality collide... Yesterday, it was - satisfying.

Not at all like the kitchen paint color, which I still can't stand. But I have other fish frying and others waiting to be fried and so it must wait.

Today, the plan came together. My financial finagling (sp?) has ended. All elements are now in place and it feels - not a lot different, except that I know it is. I think the reality of not be strapped to the max with credit card bills will be a slow, sweet evolution. I DO feel less stressed now. But I know it will get even better.

It feels like playing a long level in a video game and finally completing it and being able to "level up". I feel like I "leveled up" and it feels good. I could even buy some magic potions for the next time around and now I know where all the traps are and how to kill the bosses so I am really set.

Video games as a metaphor. I know it's not a first. But it fits.

10:13 a.m. - 2004-01-22


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