metanoia's Diaryland Diary


More Closet Purging

Cleaned out the linen closet on Monday. I did get rid of some things. I find it hard to get rid of curtains because they cost me so much. I keep thinking - what? That a new window will suddenly appear in my home that will need to be covered with old curtains? Um, yes. But NO! I got rid of them. They are in the pile of "get rid of". Cool.

I love antique textiles. One of my dreams is to own a little lace store and sell old pieces of lace and old dresses and stuff. Yeah. I could really make a lot of money doing that! The market is so huge. But, it is a dream, so I can mentally decorate my shop and place items around and clothe myself in vintage lace and smell like roses and always be charming and gracious. So, I kept all the old handwork and crochet pieces that I have.

Kept the wool blankets that have the marks on them that show how many "pelts" they cost. I don't remember what they are called but they are cool with red and green stripes along the edge. My son used to call them bear hair blankets; because, he said, it showed how many bear hairs they cost. Hehe!

Contacting the homeless shelter to see if they need sheets and comforters. I got rid of a couple.

I need to begin working out again. I stopped over the holidays and just can't seem to get my groove back on with it. It must be that old self discipline thing I've heard so much about.

I believe I may have a problem with authority figures. I think I kind of hate them. Unless I am the authority figure. Then, it's ok. I like BEING the authority figure. I do not like kow-towing to someone else being the authority figure. Down with The Man!

Life, I think, is all about learning to let go. Let go of people, pets, past, ideas, stuff, antique textiles, keys, shoes, self. Once we learn to let go, we "own" it all. Everything then becomes ours. Whoa. Where did that come from?

Well, I guess cleaning out drawers and closets makes me wax philosophical. Seeing all the crap I accumulated and never touched for decades. Why do I need it? I feel like it is weighing me down and I feel compelled to rid myself of the detritus.

So, if I continue with this resolution, which may or may not be the case, at the end of this year I will be a streamlined version of my present self. Not as weighed down with stuff and things, dragging them through my life.

I will be swifter and lighter and, maybe even thinner and taller.

8:51 a.m. - 2004-01-21


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