metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Check is in the mail

I choose the most cold and windy days to do my errand running on foot. Is this because I am inherently stupid, or just � what � superficially stupid? Whatever. It seems especially stupid to me as I am about 5 minutes into walking to the post office and begin to freeze my ass off. I begin thinking, why? Why do you sit in the office on relatively nice days and then when the icy north wind blows and makes the chill factor less than 30 do you go out walking around town, getting cleaning, making car payment, shopping? Why do you do this to yourself you insane bitch!?

I am in the card exchange that Weetabix (I would link but I don�t know how) organized and it is really cool to get cards from people I don�t know but they are sending me greetings and I did the same. It is kind of a nice thing. It � what � reinforced my faith in the human spirit, which lags from time to time and has been lagging quite a bit lately.

An introspective and quiet Christmas. That is how it feels. I�m getting all philosophical and thinking about the future. What it holds, what I will make of it, how much of it I have left, if any.

K just called the bank and �the check is in the mail�. Can it be? Soon, I will have money. I am so � not excited anymore, but � anticipatory. I am looking forward to the change. It won�t be dramatic, at least I don�t think it will be. Not like an epiphany or anything, but � I am hopeful. And introspective. And philosophical. And, quiet � subdued. Like a landscape wrapped in a cold white blanket of softly fallen snow.

K and I rode together every day this week. It has been interesting. He dropped me off every day but today. It has been odd being at work and not having a car handy to make a quick getaway if I need to when I tell them to take this job and shove it, I don�t need this shit. Heh

Yesterday, on the way to work, K was practicing being a ventriloquist. He was trying to talk without moving his lips. He thought he had a captive audience, since I was in the car hurtling through space at 65 mph. I tried to ignore him, he is such a goon sometimes. I looked out the window and he kept repeating a conversation with himself without moving his lips. Something like, �Hi. How are you?� �I am fine. Wanna go shopping?� �Ok. Let�s go shopping.� �Hi. How are you?� �I am fine. Wanna go shopping?�, over and over because I wouldn�t look at or acknowledge his new skill. I finally had to look at him and say, �Oh. That�s very good, you idiot. Why don�t you say �let�s go buy some big bubble gum�?� He tried it. He couldn�t do it without moving his lips. He tried it again. And again. My God, he is PRACTICING!, I thought. Finally he said, �That�s it. I can�t do it! I�ll never be able to take my show on the road!� hahahaha

He cracks me up. We have been together for almost 30 years. Through many very bad times and many wonderful times. He still cracks me up.

I have bladder infection. I have been battling it for about 5 days, drinking copious amounts of cranberry juice until I thought I would be peeing a lovely pink color. But no. Still stinky and yellow. And I have to pee, pee pee. So I called the Dr yesterday hoping she would prescribe something over the phone and I could go pick up and be better. But no. �You must come in.� I was told. So I made an appointment for 8:30 today. I got there at 8:15, and waited and waited. I was put in a room and waited and waited. I peed in a cup, went back to the room and waited and waited. The nurse-practictioner came in and said, �Well. You have a UTI!� No shit. I would have gladly sent in the money for an office visit if that is what it is all about. I am a 51 year old woman. I have had my share of bladder infections. I KNOW when I have one. Call it a UTI, call it a bladder infection, I don�t have to pee in a cup to know when I got one. She then went into a litany of things not to do in order to keep from getting it again. I know, I know. Just gimme the antibiotic. Give me the drug!! Write me a script and let me out of this pool of flu germs! Oh, she was still talking. �Wipe front to back. Pee after sex. Shower instead of bath. Don�t wear thongs. Don�t hold it in and wait, pee right away. (I always hold it in until the very last minute. I always have. I always have one more thing to do before I take the time to pee. Maybe I will work on that one. Maybe that will be my new years resolution.) JUST GIVE ME THE DRUG!!! I promise I won�t become addicted. Although I do just love the head rush of a good antibiotic. Oh, wait. No.

I was a bit surly this morning. I did not like the idea that I had to go in to the Dr. office to be diagnosed when I already knew what I had. I feel I should be trusted enough to know my body and be able to medicate my own damn UTI/bladder infection. That is what I believe. Damned FDA.

OK. I hope I don�t forget to pick up K today. I have the car! Heee! And I hope the check is not only in the mail, but IN THE MAIL BOX!!!

3:34 p.m. - 2003-12-19


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