metanoia's Diaryland Diary



At church on Sunday, Ms. Willa Mae Flowers was in charge of the children's sermon. When Ms. Willie does the children's sermon, she always sits on the floor with great difficulty and reads from an ancient "Book of Children's Bible Stories". If she has chosen to wear her teeth, it is a lot easier to understand her, but the love and care she has for the children are always present. I think it is because Willa Mae is very childlike herself. She just had her 75th birthday. The "girls" at church gave her a surprise party. Willa Mae delights in surprises, and it's a good thing because I have a feeling she is often surprised.

The reason Willa Mae stuck in my mind this week is because as she sat there on the floor of the church in her burgundy polyester pantsuit with the goldtone buttons, I happened to notice her shoes. They were gold. Willie Mae was wearing gold shoes.

I hope, if I ever make it to 75, that I will have the courage - no - the whimsical spirit to buy and WEAR gold shoes.

She looked lovely. I have smiled about her often these past few days.

A Christmas Parody

(sing to the tune of I'll Be Home for Christmas)

It doesn't feel like Christmas

No matter how many songs we play.

We have gifts below the tree

We even drank egg nog.

Christmas Eve is coming

We can't get in the mood

It doesn't feel like Christmas

But we will eat the food.


My great aunt called last night. She is 101 now. She kept saying, "I am a hundred and a one and a half! I will be 200 years old in July!" No matter how much K and I told her she would be 102, she would say, "No. I will be 200 years old." So, I think she is starting to lose it. She told me she is feeling closer and closer to death each day. More tired and really doesn't want to get up in the morning, but she forces herself to do it. She is a remarkable woman. She cared for her children and her brothers children and their children and their children as well. When she was younger, she was always concerned and helping others. I will send a little prayer her way for comfort.


-I have all my Christmas shopping done.

-I received my bank check in the mail yesterday.

-I will soon begin to pay off all my consumer debt.

-I am a guardedly optimistic girl right now.

-We sold the arabian horse. We are now down to three horses. I would love to sell one more, but we will see what K wants to do. The horses are his thing.

-I get Friday off.

-My brother called and said he was grateful for the blessings in his life. This is a first. He has been very negative and just unhappy with his life but, now, since he had surgery and emphysema and the stroke he is much happier with his life. That sounds odd, but it is true. He would always dwell on his regrets instead of seeing how full and wonderful his life was. It was a joyful moment for me to hear him so optimistic, humble and thankful. Yay.

-A quiet Christmas it will be, and we are glad of it. I feel kind of bad for not inviting K's brother and his wife over, but K doesn't want their drama all over the place. This will be the last Christmas with our son M alone, because he is getting married in May, so it will be a cozy, easy, quiet, introspective and joyous time. That's nice.

Merry Christmas

9:05 a.m. - 2003-12-23


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