metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Remember to pick me up!

K and I rode to work togther yesterday morning. It is something we have been trying to do at least twice a week to save gas and wear and tear on vehicles. I am quite proud of the fact we manage to do it. The frequency, however, is more like twice a month, but hey, at least we are TRYING.

So K calls me yesterday afternoon and we are chatting and just before he hangs up he says, "Don't forget to pick me up!". Whoa. It was ten minutes before I was about to leave and he reminded me to pick him up. What a good thing he did that. Because I did not remember, even in the very slightest way, that I was supposed to pick him up. hah. In other words, I would not have picked him up if he hadn't reminded me. I would have just driven home, la la la, listening to music, maybe thinking of something to write in my journal, thinking about dinner, etc. I would have been thinking all that, but not about picking him up.

We work in town, which is about 30 minutes from home. I imagine I would have gotten all the way home without thinking of him. I would have gone in the house and changed into my sweats and taken off my jewelry and looked through the mail and then would have begun to wonder why he was late. It would have probably been at that point I would have remembered. The realization would have poured over me like a cold waterfall of dread. Or, I would have walked in the house to the phone ringing and ringing. I would have answered and when I heard his voice, I would have known. It would have been soooooo bad.

K would never have let me forget that transgression. On my death bed he would have whispered in my ear, "You forgot to pick me up in 2003, you bitch. Die!" I am sure he would.

But, I must have been living right lately because he called and reminded me. Because, really, it wasn't even remotely in my mind. hah. For once, fate is my friend, or at least a close acquaintance.

2:25 p.m. - 2003-09-25


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