metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Goodbye Hollywood

"Hollywood" is gone. He quit. He quit because he is a tender heart and his feelings were irrepairably hurt. I miss him. I think I will always miss him.

He was a jovial guy, always smiling, ever amused at life's perversities. He would say the most off the wall things with a straight face. Hard to know - at first - if he was serious or not. After awhile, though, I knew he was just havin' fun.

Hollywood is what he called himself, a slight variation on his own surname. I think he thought himself an actor on the stage of life. Something like that.

A sample of his humor:

Hollywood motions me over to him, and looks around conspiratorially and whispers, "I walked in to Jim's office yesterday and - you'll never believe this - he was wearing a leopard print teddie and holding a cat-o-nine tails and whistling Dixie! I mean to tell you - it scared the life out of me! He was all by himself. He looked at me like it was the most natural thing in the world..." etc. all the while looking totally serious and suitably astonished and appalled. Jim is the head of Human Resources...

Just off the wall bizarre things. Once he knew you were on the same page as he was, he would share these wild imaginings and it was just a breath of fresh air. A mini-vacation from the drudgery of the everyday workaday world.

I know he was framed. They probably just wanted to get rid of him because he was too much of a character. He was too outspoken. They put him on "administrative leave" pending an investigation of an absurd, unsubstantiated rumor and I think it just broke his heart. To be accused of something he would never do and be so embarrassed about it. he was so mortified. It just wasn't in him to return. He just came in and quit, even though he was cleared of any wrong doing. The BASTARDS! I pray he keeps his perverse sense of humor. I pray he keeps on keepin on.

They are taking up a collection for him today. His wife has MS. He worked in the mail room here over 15 years. I am giving $20. I wish it could be more. I wish I could give him a job. I wonder where he will end up. I pray for the very best for him. I hope he finds a place where people appreciate him in all his glory.

Goodbye, Hollywood.

8:38 a.m. - 2003-03-21


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