metanoia's Diaryland Diary


There is a God

I know there is a God.

I know because I have the BEST boss in the whole world.

I am a chronic late person. But not always to everything. Just, mainly, to work. I start off being very punctual, but as time wears me down, I begin to be a little late, then more a little late, then borderline really late, then plain old brazen-assed late, with an occasional absurdly late thrown in when I just dick around until I don't leave the house until the time I'm supposed to be at work. That kind of late.

Oh, I have wondered and thought and deliberated and analyzed it for countless eons. I have come up with lots of theories why I am late. Maybe because I don't want to be wherever in the first place. I have sooooo much to do at home. I am lazy. I am tired. Too much traffic. Other people (my personal favorite).

BUT, enter Divine Providence. He has given me a boss who is LATER THAN I AM! That's right, folks, later than absurdly, undeniably, my-god-why-did-you-bother-to-come-in-at-all LATE. So, no matter HOW LATE I am, he is later. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Every time I think of it I smile. Oh, joy. Thank you, Lord. Alleluia and ALL THAT.

It is wonderful.

I have had bosses who were not this wonderful. One comes to mind. He would sit in my chair at my desk, waiting for me. So I would have to face him when I (finally) showed up to work. Ufgh. EVERY TIME he did this. And he would say something so clever and original like, "Well, GOOD AFTERNOON" OR "Glad you could make it" or some other overworked cliche. I could not even sneak in once. Not one time. He was an evil-doer. I think he is already dead now. Probably killed by some poor late employee who could not take the pressure.

ANYWAY, my new boss, George (name changed to protect him from HIS boss for being sooooo late) is great. He has only beat me in ONE TIME. I felt so betrayed. I wanted to walk in his office and demand "What the hell are you doing here so early!?!" or something like that. But I'll forgive that one time sin. For all the other times when I can act like I have been at my post,ready to serve since 8 am. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. That's me. He thinks I am punctual and on time. Little ol late me. I am no longer a late person. I am an on time person. I always KNEW time was relative, but was never able to reap the harvest of that truth. Until now.

There is a God.

10:31 a.m. - 2003-03-20


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