metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Metaphors for life

Life is like a river....
oh, no, wait a minute.

Life is like a snowball...
no, that's not it...

Life is like a power saw...

Life is like a big balloon...

Life is like a mangy dog that follows you around asking for food...

Life is like a doughnut... Life is like a box of chocolates...

Sorry, but I started thinking of metaphors for life and realized that life is so complex and diverse yet simple and pure at the same time, that any metaphor would work. It is a universal fit. Any metaphor for life could be stated in a room full of people and a couple of them would nod, knowingly.

My "life metaphor" changes from day to day. Hell, it changes hour to hour. Let's see, what is it right now?

Life is like a full billy goat, the more you push him, the harder he pushes back. Better to ignore the billy goat.

I know I seem superficial and silly with this, but think about it. ANY metaphor will work. I just like funny/weird things like that.

9:44 a.m. - 2006-08-25


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