metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Faith is Black and White

Faith is black and white.

�Oh�, she said �he not a true believer or he would never have done that.� I wanted to say, �Oh, really? What do you know about it?� Faith is like being pregnant. You either are or you are not. You either believe or you don�t. That is the leap of faith.

I get tired of people judging others regarding their level of holiness. What a waste of time, as if God has asked them to give him a report on that individual because, well, He just doesn�t have the time or inclination to do it. As if He doesn�t already know everything in everyone�s heart simultaneously into eternity.

And, as long as I am ranting, it really pisses me off when people try to PROVE the existence of God or the legitimacy of the freaking bible. You can not prove faith. Faith is just believing. It is black and white. You either believe or you don�t. You either have faith, or you don�t.

And if you do, you have nothing to fear in this life or the next ever, ever again. Because, hey, this world is a transient existence filled with transient stuff that will pass away, just like our physical bodies, but if you believe, if you have faith in Christ, well then you got the �real� world � the infinite, eternal joint � covered.

1:57 p.m. - 2006-03-30


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