metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Nephew's DUI

My nephew called last night... the one that has been living in his car... the car that several years ago he defaulted on the payments and moved out of state with... that was never repo'd... He was arrested for DUI last week... He was moving his car from one part of the rest stop to the other... he has alcoholic hepatitis and he is not supposed to drink (he didn't tell me about the drinking, he told K I guess because he didn't want to disappoint me)... The cops arrested him and impounded his car (home). He is now sleeping on the floor of a fellow rest stop living person's motorhome... said he feels like his life is over... I told him he deserved better than what he was choosing to give himself... falling on deaf ears... I feel so badly that he is living like this now... He will probably begin drinking harder since he is divorcing wife and sleeping on the floor of a motorhome... His liver will just stop and he will die, homeless and alone in Oregon...

8:15 a.m. - 2006-01-24


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