metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Its all about me

My son had a girlfriend in college who would say at the height of an argument (in tears) "You, you, you. It's all about you, isn't it? Well, what about me?" It always left him at a loss, because he never thought it was about him... The argument would stall, and they would make up, always with apologies and reassurances that, no, indeed it wasn't about me but you, no, you... etc. He now says it in jest during times when someone is being an ass. I use it, too. (Thank you, Holly, for quite a few laughs at your expense.)

It really annoys people when it isn't about "them". Or to say it from my perspective, it really annoys me when "it" isn't about me. Life would be so much simpler if everyone realized it really was about ME. I am kidding (kinda), but I think everyone thinks it is about THEM.

We go through our lives worrying about what other people are thinking about us (because it is all about us) when they are really thinking very little about us and mostly about them. (I'm getting a little tangled up in my thoughts here. Let me regroup.)

People don't think about us nearly as much as we think they do. We can think we have pissed someone off so royally they are plotting our demise, only to meet them again later to find they haven't given our "transgression" any thought at all... What!? You mean I have spent all day fussing and fretting about our confrontation-to-be and now you are telling me there isn't one? Hmphf! I've wasted my whole day running scenarios and dialogue (and when he says this I will counter with that!) and find there is no continued argument? That you are not even the least pissed off? Shit!

K said something once, after we were talking to another couple at a party where he told some huge bullshit lies and I said something like, "Why did you tell them all that bullshit?", that I will never forget - because it is outrageous and because it is true. He said, "It's okay to lie because nobody really listens anyway, and if they do listen, they don't really care." LOL. I have found this to be disturbingly true. People don't really listen because they are too busy thinking about themselves and what they are going to say next and if they do listen, they are more interested in how what you are saying relates to them and their situation... sigh.

Maybe we should just relax. Do what we think is right, move on and let others deal with it as they will. More than likely they are thinking about themselves and not us anyway...

1:10 p.m. - 2006-01-06


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