metanoia's Diaryland Diary



I heard Otis Redding singing Dock of the Bay this morning in the car on the way to work. There is a part where he says, " I guess I'll remain the same...".

I began wondering if anyone stays the same. I mean really stays the same. I don't think so.

We are changing all the time, every day, every moment; I am not the person I was 20 years ago, is anyone? Our perspective changes with every life experience and our choices of how to endure or rationalize it. We are ever changing and evolving without our conscious effort. I am different not because I decided to change, but only because I decided to live life and it is by living it that I have changed.

I think even people who outwardly seem unchanged, are changed as well. They may spout their personal dogma unchanged for 35 years, but the essence changes, the passon changes, no one escapes living without changing.

And what of the conscious changes? Are they ever realized exactly as we envision or do they also evolve as the situation requires?

Even our impression of how we would like to be changes. What if I had become the person I thought was the perfect way to be when I was 13? Oh, my God!

Everything changes. We could not stay the same, even if we wanted to and tried to and fought tooth and nail to stay the same; at the end of the fight, we would be different.

Life is subtle. As we merrily go along living it, it is molding us. Into what? An evolving being.

There is a big office move going on around me this week. Luckily I do not have to move, but many are moving and do not like it one bit. Emotions run on the surface and angers are flaring. It brought into focus that people do not like change. They enjoy their secure ruts. I include myself in that pot.

It's funny, though, that even though we resist change, it happens. And we adapt, embrace or endure it. It's funny, though that even while we resist the changes that we can be aware of, small subtle changes are happening within us, changing us into the person we will become in 20 years.

8:19 a.m. - 2005-03-03


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