metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Random Thoughts

Random thoughts, I have so many. I could even say all my thoughts are random, and only give a slight impression of being coherent and cohesive and part of a larger plan...

My brother Leonard taught me to mentally play and took me to many outrageous and frightening places over the edge of reason. I appreciate that.

K is having knee surgery Feb 1.

My nephew used the Christmas money I sent him to get a motel room for the night so they could be warm. I want to help him, I just do not know how...

My eye is a little better. The iritis is going away with the prednisolone. My right sinus cavity is plugged.

I finally got Ernst in private school after schmoozing and feeding the headmaster.

I do not have any resolutions for tis year, which is very odd. I usually get very introspective/retrospective at this time of year. I enjoy that reflection and it kind of gives me a focus and serves as a centering exercise. Not this year. Not yet, anyway.

K wants to go out of town this weekend. Rain is predicted. We will probably go to Chattanooga. It should be fun. One of my mothers regrets was that she would never go places with my dad on the weekends because she had too much housework to do. She told me she should have left the housework and gone away with him. The house would have been there when she returned. I am trying to learn from her regret. I don't really want to go anywhere, but at the same time I know this about myself - if given the choice, I would never go anywhere and just turn inward and become agoraphobic with lots of cats....

9:25 a.m. - 2005-01-06


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