metanoia's Diaryland Diary


The point of no return

While showering this morning, I thought about the phrase "point of no return" and how I can look back at my life and see times and choices which were somewhat life changing or defining, and if I had chosen differently at this "point of no return" my life would be very different; good in some ways and worse in others.

I don't like how the phrase implies that you only have one shot at things. Like if you did something at one of these points of no return, life would suddenly stop and not be worth living. To me it just means you can not return to the way you have been, but that opens things wide for what you may become... The point of no return then becomes the point of new beginnings; fresh choices.

Really, there is no need to return anywhere, anyway. To return to our particular status quo is just hiding in our comfort zone. The point of no return should not be the place in your life where you stop and go back. It is the place where you stop, assess, bid farewell to the way it once was and press on, through the point of no return to new horizons.

Even if you choose to return, the place you left is different that it's memory; things are smaller than you remember and you don't seem to fit in anywhere. The vibe isn't right; you are out of sync.

"For every thing there is a season...under heaven..."

I live my life instinctively, reflectively, wild and free
within the confines
of my own mortality.

It works, somewhat, for me.

4:42 p.m. - 2004-12-09


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