metanoia's Diaryland Diary


It's only string...

I have another metaphor! What a surprise! I see them EVERYWHERE! When I first began this journal, I loosely thought of it as a place to share my broken, lost dreams, but now I find it is a place where I refine my philosophy of living and watch it evolve as my life progresses. So, metaphors � I see them EVERYWHERE. Better to call this journal, �Metaphorically Speaking�. Heh.

So, beyond the ballet metaphor of �you point your toes with your ass�, another metaphor has come to mind.

I have been knitting like a bad girl these past 3 weeks. Buying yarn like I have the money and dreaming of all the wonderful, wooly things I can make with my new found skill. So, mostly scarves, since they are no-brainers and I am a raw beginner. I can crochet pretty well and enjoy it, but recently took a class and learned the basics of knitting, so that is my new thing. I can do BOTH! I am ambi-yarnstrous, or something like that�

Let�s see... Knitting as a metaphor for life. There is a saying in knitting and crochet that �It is all just string until it is finished�. It�s a good saying. It helps you not get too close to your project just in case you have to �pull it all out� or �rip it apart�. Long ago, when I yearned to knit but was too � what? � afraid(?) to learn, I thought people who knit things just sat down and began knitting and then �something magic happens� and then voila! a cool sweater or scarf or hat. Not so! Not so at all. In fact, quite the opposite, as with anything in life as the project progresses, problems or minor setbacks occur. Sometimes, even when you complete a piece, it is not as you envisioned. When that happens, you either completely take it apart and put the yarn aside for another thing, or you just say c�est la vie and accept it in it�s �not-quite-rightness�. Sometimes the vision of a thing, turns out not exactly as it was envisioned. This is the metaphor for life. Don�t get too upset if your plans don�t turn out exactly right. Don�t be afraid to take it apart and either start over, or put the plans aside for another day. Be easy on yourself as you muddle through life, because it�s only string until it�s finished.

8:50 a.m. - 2004-08-12


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