metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Is my hair growing?

Having coffee this morning with K, he says to me, "Your hair looks good. Is it growing?" I said, "What?", as I was looking at him like he was crazy. "Of course my hair is growing, so is yours!" I know he meant it looks better growing out from the last haircut I got, but it just struck me as funny. And, I began thinking does my hair grow continuously, or does it grow in spurts? What time of day does it grow, or not grow? Maybe it only grows while I am sleeping, because I am not aware it is growing while I am awake. I think I would feel it growing out of my scalp, some sort of movement up there would cause me to be aware on some level, even subconsciously, of hair growth. So I am pretty sure my hair grows only while I sleep and probably only about 3 am. It kind of builds up all day and then - spurtz! - out comes a little more hair. Whew. I am glad I figured that one out because it would have plagued me for eons.

I wrote a lot about goodbyes yesterday. I think I probably used the word goodbye a million times. But, hey, that's what it was about. I think I would like my last words to include the word goodbye. Or maybe only be that word - Goodbye. That would be perfect. My brother was with my mother when she died. Her last word was, "Oh!". Maybe she died before she said "Shit", like "Oh, shit!" Or maybe, she was just surprised that is was over, really over. I dunno. I think it's neat knowing what the last thing she said was, tho.

When I die, after I say "Goodbye", and I am dead, someone will go through my purse. I wonder what they will think when they find that old half used q-tip? Hah! or the nine million pens in the bottom because I can never find one when I need it so I add another. Yeah. That will perplex them. I should throw a few condoms in there, just to weird them all out. I hope I am old enough so that WOULD weird them out, like, "What is a 95 year old woman doing with 10 condoms in her purse!?" I should make it assorted kinds, too. hehe

Newphew D is on a binge. Have not heard from him in about 2 weeks. It is hard knowing someone is trying to kill themself and being powerless to stop it.

I went to the gym to start the kickboxing class, but the class was postponed until next week. I wonder if I will have the inclination to go next week. Sustaining my momentum to exercise, especially a class I know will kick my ass, will not be easy. Still I am curious, and that may work in my favor. A co-worker said that they say you should always check with your doctor before starting any exercise, but shit! I'm not going to ask my doctor. She'll probably say, "Hell no! You're a 51 year old woman, you'll kill yourself. Just walk instead. That'll be $70 please." So, I'll just go and "go at my own pace (read slllloooow). We shall see.

10:22 a.m. - 2003-09-18


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