metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Lacking Power

The scunge on my face has no name. At least it has my doctor baffled. So, I got a steroid shot to see if that helps. That means I will be up all night, wide awake. La, la.

I feel pretty good, except for my mysterious face disease, and am looking forward to a few days of r&r at the beach.

When I got home yesterday, the garage door opener did not work. Crap, I thought, gotta change the batteries. So I MANUALLY opened the other door and walked in. Pushed the button on the wall to open the other door � nothing. Crap, I thought, the garage door opener is fucked up. So I walk in the kitchen and notice the clock on the coffee maker is not on. Crap, I thought, we must have lost power. This happens a lot out where I live. The last pole on the grid in my sector is in my front yard, so no big deal. But, wait, I think, when the power comes back on the clock flashes on the coffee maker. This means, duh duh, the power is still out. Hmmm. Not good. The weather is fine, no thunderstorms/lightning or high wind. In fact it is a lovely early fall feeling day. Ok, so I gotta call the power company. I do not have a corded phone, only a cordless, so it is no good in a power outage. I grab my cell phone and walk up the driveway to try to get a signal. I walk about 100 yards up the drive and bingo � I have a signal. But wait, my neighbor has his dining room light on! He has power! I am the only one�. Hmmm, very odd. I get connected to power company. They say, did you check your breaker box? Your main breaker may have � uh can�t think of the word � broken. Not the right word. Main breaker went flooey. Something like that. Anyway, I told them I could not walk back to the house without losing the phone connection, so I would check the breaker and if it was sprung (still not the right word) I would reset it and if it wasn�t the breaker I would call them back. I walked to the house, lost connection, checked breaker and it was OK. So I walked 100 yards back up the driveway and called the power company again and waited through the press 1 crappage and reported a power outage. When K got home he went out and looked at the pole (after double checking the breaker box, like he doesn�t think I can look and see that the main breaker isn�t � broken? Just cause I can�t remember the right word doesn�t mean I don�t know if it is in the correct position�) and our giant fuse on the pole was blown. So I call the power company back, after walking 100 yards back up the driveway to my secret connection spot. They showed up at 8 pm. Not bad, really, and replaced their giant fuse. The culprit? With apologies to squirrelx it was a squirrel. A poor squirrel who died a tragic, albeit instantaneous death, on my power pole. We buried the poor little thing in the woods under an oak tree where all the acorns in the world will fall at his or her feet. The power man put a �squirrel cage� around the fuse so it could never happen again. So, this is a heads up to people. If you have a power pole, call your power company and have a squirrel cage put on your fuse. You could save a squirrel�s life.

We have lived here 10 years and this has never happened. We don�t have a lot of squirrels immediately around the house. They are developing some land not too far from here, so we are getting more and more critters in our woods and around our property. I am glad I now have a squirrel cage and I recommend it to everyone.

K brought his big screen, monstrous, obscene TV home last night. Ha ha. No power. Ha ha. But then we had power so he throws the instruction booklet over to me and says hook er up. Now, I am the hooker upper in the family. It is not a job I enjoy, I just do it better than K does. I am more methodical and we have so many peripheral garbage thingys to hook up, it is just better if I do it. But I dread it and it makes me grumpy. Although, I must admit, it was easier last night. They are making TV�s more user friendly in hooking up other shit. (That is a sorry, sorry sentence, but a sentence nonetheless.)

He also bought a Playstation2. Supposedly this was for me. My new toy. I never said I wanted one�. Hmmm. Remember, K is notorious for buying me things he wants. He gives them to me and when I am less than enthused, he takes it over. That way he gets what he wants and I have to be grateful because he gave me a gift. Sneh. He is one diabolical motherfucker. I am sure I will have fun with it. But he didn�t get any games to go with it. What the fu. � ? Turns out it was like a gimme to close the TV deal. He was so excited about his new TV, he forgot to cement the deal with a fucking $19 game. He is losing his touch.

10:37 a.m. - 2003-09-10


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