metanoia's Diaryland Diary


I am so easy to live with

I am too accommodating. I try to make it so easy for everyone around me. I do. Really. Like if whoever I was cohabiting with wanted to, say, take a large shit in the middle of the living room floor because it gave them pleasure and fulfillment, well, I would try to work around it. Like, say, compromise. Maybe only shit in the middle of the living room once every couple of weeks, and maybe warn me it was about to happen, although I admit it might take away from the spontaneity thing, but my point is � I would work around it. I would try to make room in our shared world for it. I�m just that way.

I think that particular aspect of my personality is good and bad. I think it makes me rather easy to get along with. But, get two or more people with whom I have shared living space for any length of time together and it is pick on Metanoia big time. Things like, �Doesn�t it drive you crazy the way she always blames you for moving her things?�, �Doesn�t it freak you out when she leaves the water running and forgets all about it and it runs over the sink?� Stuff like that, and then they laugh conspiratorially, like yeah I am the hardest person in the world to fucking live with. When I am so accommodating (see above). That really pisses me off.

I bend over backwards to be easy to live with and they all agree I am very difficult to live with. Ring finger to them. My own mother, when she was alive, would join in and relish the fact that others thought I was hard to live with, just as much as she did. Bah.

Take my word for it. I am very easy to live with. And I am very likeable too, although I don�t make friends easily. Maybe they don�t trust me because I am so nice. And likeable.

K can go into a store and the sales clerk will be so friendly and helpful and just real nice. I can go to the same clerk right after he does and get the cold shoulder, hateful stares and an attitude like I am REALLY REALLY bothering them. Fuck.

My very best friend, Karen, said to me once, �Metanoia, if you were nice, you wouldn�t have to tell people you�re nice, they would just KNOW it.� Heh I miss her. Once, a person had been talking to us and then excused themselves and I said to her, �Well, they seem like a nice person.� And she said, �Metanoia, EVERYBODY�S nice, until you get to know them.� I miss her.

So, I think K hid my glasses. I could not find them this morning ANYWHERE and I looked in all the spots I put them. So, he probably hid them. BASTARD! I had to wear my old contacts and I can only just kinda see today. Why does he do these things? He better come clean because I do NOT want to buy new glasses. He is so diabolical.

2:18 p.m. - 2003-08-11


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