metanoia's Diaryland Diary


43 People in the World

There are only 43 people in the world. I won't bore you by listing them all, but I HAVE MET them all. Sometimes I think I have met #44, but after getting to know them a little better, I find they are not. So, still 43.

I am always pleased when I meet Aunt Clara (#3). She is a great person. Never says a bad thing about anyone and is not at all self-serving, but rather cares for all with equanimity. Yes. One of my favorite people of all time.

Then there is The Pink Man (#30). I am sure you have met him, or at least seen him. He is very dependable, always arrving at work at the same time, gets on the elevator and rarely speaks to anyone. He goes to an office on another floor - and you will never find out which one. Maybe he gets off on the - 13TH!!!! Floor! Oh, yes. And he's pink. Or, rather, pinkish. With light hair. Always flushed and a bit rotund, although not fat like Pete's Mother (#5).

You know all these people, too, although you probably gave them different names.

I am going to get my hair cut.


Not yet, though.

But eventually.

I have not found the cockroach that is in my car. I do not believe it is gone, however. They are sneaky and can hide very well and I have a hunch he has started a cockroach colony somewhere in there and they come out at night and have cockroach parties and carouse around in my car. I can't prove it, but I would not be surprised at all to find out it is true.

Our new dog, Baxter, is fitting in so well. He is about 8 yrs old and lived his whole life on the end of a 12' chain. We do not chain him. At first he was very shy and not playful at all. He did not like hugs, and felt threatened by them. Now, however, he trots jauntily and almost plays. You can see the pup in him trying to come out. He's only been with us 2 months, and I think he is coming along nicely. He also gets along with MauMau (I call her Miss Priss, or sometimes Keet-Keet - these are our personal pet names and I am the only one she allows to use them.) When we give the dogs bones (a treat) MauMau is right there meowing for her bone, and she gets huffy if she does not get one. So we give her a little bone and she kind of gives it a go and then walks off and cleans herself like she had a big treat like everyone else. Patches waits for MauMau to lose interest in the bone and then runs over and grabs it. She is such a kype. Ah, life is so eventful in the country!

When sonny boy would visit from college and we would regale him with funny pet anecdotes, he would look concerned and say, "You have to get out more!" He was right, of course. We do try to get out more, but there is always much to be done especially in spring, summer and fall. Winter is a slower paced time so we do go to Atlanta more often to get our dose of traffic and big city attitude.

The anniversary of my brother's death is coming up. He died on his granddaughter's birthday. It will be a bittersweet day for my niece forever - the day her daughter was born and the day her father died. Ugh. I want to write my sister-in-law a short note to comfort her, but I am torn in that I do not want to upset her more than she will be. I am leaning toward writing, however.

I am looking forward to this weekend. I have lots of plans, things to accomplish. Having been sick for about a month, the garden went to pot, I have tomatoes to can and dry and clothes piled up and, well let's just say there will be a lot to do, but I am looking forward to doing it and getting it done.

Went to choir practice this past Wednesday. I'm surprised how much I enjoy it. It is one of my pleasures, now.

Sometimes I miss living in LA with something always going on and being hip and going and doing and being nobody's fool. But, I only miss it sometimes and not enough to ever take it on again.

Had you told me 15 years ago I would be living in the country in Georgia, going to church and singing in the choir I would have called you a fucking idiot. But you would have been right.

9:24 a.m. - 2003-08-08


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