metanoia's Diaryland Diary


The inlaws are coming, hurrah, hurrah

The inlaws will arrive tomorrow. Much to do, much to do. Scurry, scurry. Run, run. Clean, clean. Much to do.

Besides that I really have gotten a lot of things done that I have been putting off for months/years/decades/eons. My house is sooo cool now, I wish I wasn't having company so I could just walk around and enjoy it. Oh, well. I'll just think how nice it will be when they have gone. Those will be good days, good times.

Covered kitchen chairs last night. They look great. Made two pans of enchiladas last night. Went shopping. Hmmm. Very productive.

I swear I am going to sail right through this. I will look back and say - Hey, that was not a big deal at all. Yes. That is what I will say. I will say, That was great. Come back when you can stay longer! That is what I will say.

10:11 a.m. - 2003-06-20


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