metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Party Lines and Shoe Size


Sorry there was something on the edge of my f key and I was wiping it off.

So, anyway, I was looking at the bottom of my shoe yesterday and I wear a size 39!! in Europe. I only wear a 24 in Mexico, but my feet get really small when I travel to Great Britain. In Great Britain, my feet are a size 5.5. That is one of the reasons it is so great, I suppose.

I talked to my brother last night. He is still in hospital recovering from bypass surgery. He was short of breath, and I wonder if that is part of the recuperation process or if he has something else going on.

He is in a semi private room, which means there are 2 people in the room. There is a phone by each bed. But only one phone line connected to both phones. This is a fact I learned when I called my brother and while conversing with him, his "roommate" chimes in, "there's not much to laugh about right now! hahahaha" I wondered, who was that? My brother? He was pretty drugged and his voice did not sound the same, but - who was that? So we are chatting along and another little comment floats through, "You can say that again!" WTF? This guy was listening on the phone and just making himself right at home in the conversation. Very pleasant guy, but Jeez. It was very bizarre. K says the old guy probably doesn't get any phone calls and wants to act like he is "part of". People are so weird. Poor old deranged shit. It was like I was on some kind of Twilight Zone Chat Line.

Painting kitchen tonight. Countdown to in-law invasion: 2 weeks, 6 days.

12:00 p.m. - 2003-05-30


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