metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Brother in a box

My brother is coming in the mail. In pieces. In a box. I dread this. I do not want to find him there. His widow called last night to say she will not be visiting this month, but has a few things of my brother's I might want as a memento. She will send a box in the mail. I know I asked for something. I DO want something. I just hate confronting the "himness" of that box....

He was always there, my big brother. He was almost 22 years older than I, but still treated me as a sister - teasing and taunting. He was tall - 6 foot 2 and would carry me on his shoulders. It was one of my favorite places to be. Of course, as I grew older I knew he was a judgemental, pontificating ass. But, we loved each other.

He died August 28, 2002. He died from having heart surgery. He died in a recovery room over 2,000 miles away. He died. My niece called. A moment of silence. "Linda?" *more silence* "He didn't make it." Ears ringing, niece sobbing, cold empty ... cold empty.

"Oh. No.", I whispered. Cold, empty.

And now he is coming to me. In pieces and parts. In a box. A dreaded box. My brother is coming by mail, in pieces, in a box.

8:38 a.m. - 2003-03-05


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