metanoia's Diaryland Diary


Locked keys in new car

Yesterday I locked my keys in the car. I was so mad! I made it home and took the keys out of the ignition and laid them on the seat and proceeded to get all the crap I had in the car out. I walked around to the passenger side and tried the door - the car HONKED AT ME! and locked all the doors. It is the only key we have to that car. It is a new car. It hurt my feelings to lock itself on me. I did not know what to do so I called the dealership and they had someone who could open it. Thank God. I did not know what I was going to do. In the middle of all of this a telemarketer called me. Boy did she get a surprise! I SCREAMED at her and SCREAMED at her and hung up on her. LOL I may have even traumatized her. I don't care. I usually try to be nice to them because they are just doing their job, but she just called at the wrong time. I really went unglued on her. It felt good.

Besides the car being locked up, one of the dogs did a little sneak into the house when I opened the back door. Then she would not go out. Patches! Get out! I screamed. But that just scared her and she went and hid under the table. I had to pee, but I was going to get the dog out first.... This is when the telemarketer called. (insert screaming) So after I got the dog out and peed - in that order thankfully - I called the dealership to see if they could magically open it.

You know, when you come home from work you don't need all this crap to deal with.

The car got opened, I got the groceries out (add visions of souring milk to the above stresses) and the world was right again.

I am on a diet this week. It is a very strict intake type of thing. It helps me to get centered on the amount and types of things I shove in my face. It is a very low calorie thing and not recommended for over 5 days. But it helps me to get a grip before starting a major diet change.

I want to make a 5 year plan. I want to decide what I want to accomplish in 5 years. Now I just have to sit down and do that before 5 years is up!

10:24 a.m. - 2003-02-04


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