metanoia's Diaryland Diary


It's good to be back

This is a short note sent flyin into the abyss that is the internet.... I haven't written very much for a very long time. I miss it. I want to begin again... I'm a bit rusty and I'm afraid it will take awhile to get goin again. I want to write about love and what it means and how it works and, really, why it is so damn important to us all. Maybe I'll write about that... On the other hand, maybe I should start out with something not so ... ambitious. baby steps, as they say. Why haven't I written? Well,I HAVE been busy in my life, but it has been the type of busy-ness that is meaningless. Meanwhile, worthwhile endeavors (like writing, which fills my soul), fall away like so much unimportant detritus. I want to reclaim that feeling of fulfillment (or at least get closer to it than I am now)... Maybe instead of love I will start writing about happiness - a state which I have come to believe is WAY overrated. gah. It's good to be "back".

8:20 p.m. - 2007-10-24


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