metanoia's Diaryland Diary


5 questions

If you could only ask 5 questions to each person you ever met in this world, would one of them be "How are you today?"

I would tend to save my questions for what I thought were important things. Then again, what is an important question? I know for sure I would not ask, "What time is it?" - I'd find out for myself.

Maybe one of my questions would be, "Are you happy?" or something along those lines. Happiness is a process, though, so maybe that wouldn't be a good question. I might ask it during a slump on the happiness trail... or the one high spot... would that matter?

Oh, I know! One of my questions would be: "If you could change one thing in your life right now, what would it be?" I think that would be a very good question, one that everyone could answer and much could be known through that answer.

Would I ask rhetorical questions? Would they be a waste of time or are they the only questions that would be important and evocative enough?

Here are some questions I have already asked ppl today and it is only 8:30 am:

Did you sleep well?
What time is it?
Did you feed the cats?
You going to wear that shirt again?
What time will you be home?

See? I would have used up all my questions for K in a matter of a few minutes.

I guess my whole point, if there is one in this meandering shithole, is that small-talk although providing a necessary backdrop for living day to day is not that important to living on the whole. If we get caught up in small talk without being aware, it can dissolve into all we do - the only talk we talk while there are larger personal, emotional, spiritual issues we could be exploring with each other to enrich each other and grow with each other.

I'm off to work on some pertinent questions. Even formulating these questions will be enlightening for me.

Oh, another one:
"What would your 5 questions be?"

8:24 a.m. - 2006-06-29


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